Categories: all aviation Building a Biplane bicycle gadgets misc motorcycle theater

Sun, 21 Sep 2008

Trailer madness

In preparation for SketchFest this year, I've gathered together all the stuff I think I'll need: MD decks, microphones, video camera, tripod, etc. I put it all in a neat stack in the front room, and appraised what I had.

"That's a lot of stuff," I thought to myself. By special request, I'm bringing a fogger as well. Wondering if I could actually take all this stuff on my fancy new bike trailer, I decided a weighing must be in order. I grabbed the scale from the bathroom, and recorded some numbers:

MiniDisc decks 36 lbs
Tripod and videotapes 9.5 lbs
Big box full o' stuff 31 lbs
Fogger 15.5 lbs
Total weight: 92 lbs

Yow. And of course, that doesn't count the tie-downs or the tarp which is feverishly suggested by the rain pounding outside the window even now.

I also, just out of curiosity, weighed the trailer itself: 31.5 lbs, including the side stakes and all the hitch hardware. I think I'd better take this trip slowly. Uphill, that won't be an issue (I'll be going plenty slow, with an extra 130 lbs holding me back), but the trick will be to keep slow in mind heading down the big hill into Fremont. If I have to stop that freight train, it ain't gonna be quick.

I'll definitely take some pictures of the load for posterity, and possibly for insurance reasons.

Posted at 23:03 permanent link category: /bicycle

Categories: all aviation Building a Biplane bicycle gadgets misc motorcycle theater