Categories: all aviation Building a Biplane bicycle gadgets misc motorcycle theater

Thu, 11 Sep 2008


Out of curiosity, I found myself checking out how much power a bicyclist exerts in different conditions. I then ran across this page, which includes the source code for a program to determine power (among many other things) given a set of conditions.

After playing around with it (and assuming the program's accurate), it looks like for normal riding, I cruise in the 150-200 watt range, going up to 300W for fast cruising. Sprinting (such as keeping up with traffic between lights when there's no bike lane), I get as high as 500W. Neat! One horsepower is 745W, so when I'm sprinting like that, I'm actually working at a fairly significant fraction of a horsepower. I had no idea humans could put out that much power.

Posted at 11:42 permanent link category: /bicycle

Hey look, a picture of a mess!

I found myself awake early today, so I headed over to the hardware store and picked up some approximately OD green spraypaint. I came back and sprayed down the trailer frame (using essentially the entire can -- damn overspray!):

I should have taken the picture before I brought all the stuff back in to clutter up the background. In any case, it's getting closer, and I found a good source for a 2x4' piece of plywood: Olson lumber will sell me a 3/8" sheet of AC plywood for $6 and change. Sold!

After I pick that up, all I have to do is paint it and get it fastened down. The trailer should be complete in the next week or so (it's hard to say for sure, since I'm suddenly involved with not one but two theatrical productions, so free time is at a premium).

Posted at 08:42 permanent link category: /bicycle

Categories: all aviation Building a Biplane bicycle gadgets misc motorcycle theater