Categories: all aviation Building a Biplane bicycle gadgets misc motorcycle theater

Sat, 06 Sep 2008

Random thought of the day

Johnny was a chemist,
But Johnny is no more;
What Johnny thought was H2O
Was H2SO4

Posted at 17:18 permanent link category: /misc

Bike trailer progress

I brought my trailer-making materials up to Jesse's house last night, and we got started on the project. I figured we'd get as far as getting the pieces cut, and maybe tacking a few welds -- after all, we didn't start until 9 pm.

However, the process just flew! By the time the last tungsten welding tip had been contaminated (the limiting factor for the night), the clock read past midnight, and the trailer frame was almost completed. Voila:

I decided to add the diagonals to the tongue yesterday, for added strength and stiffness. As you can see, there's only one diagonal left to attach. Not bad for 3 hours of work!

Of course, there's still a bunch of stuff to do. We still have tie-down hoops, side-wall supports and axle reinforcements to attach, as well as axle holes to drill, and primer to apply. I have to design and build the trailer-side hitch -- I'm going to make it in such a way that it will be trivial to switch to a new hitch that incorporates surge brakes. That's a separate (but really interesting) design challenge, which I'll work on once the trailer's all functional.

It looks like (if I can do the trailer-side hitch in time, which is pretty questionable) the trailer could be rolling by tomorrow night. That would be fantastic, although I'm not going to be disappointed if it isn't true.

Posted at 10:15 permanent link category: /bicycle

Categories: all aviation Building a Biplane bicycle gadgets misc motorcycle theater