Categories: all aviation Building a Biplane bicycle gadgets misc motorcycle theater

Thu, 04 Sep 2008


For the last day or two, I've been waking up to the sonorous strains of high-powered wheed-whackers, starting up at the stroke of 8. This morning, it finally occurred to me that they were coming from behind my house, and that the thing behind my house was the drainage ditch, but more importantly, blackberries.

The blackberry bushes between my house and the next one east have been present for the entire time I've owned the house, and have gotten absolutely deadly in the last few years: this year, one got so aggressive that it put a huge, thick tendril 10 feet up in the air, and into the pear tree in my back yard. I cut back the odd tentacle snaking out over, through or under the fence, but I had no clue how to deal with the mass.

I had considered calling the city; I'd thought about hiring goats; I'd pondered Rambo-esque scenarios with me wielding a flamethrower. Somehow, it was never a high enough priority to actually pursue any course of action.

Imagine my delight when I peeked out the window this morning to see sun streaming through my fence, rather than blackberry vines! I hailed one of the guys wielding a weed-whacker, and asked him if he was from the City. Yes, replied he, and went on to explain that the job had been "lost in the shuffle." I was so elated it didn't even occur to me to think that the "shuffle" had lasted over 8 years now. I confirmed who I'd call if it became an issue again (the City's main call-center, who would route the work order to them in the Drainage department). I thanked him profusely and came back inside for my camera:

Posted at 08:46 permanent link category: /misc

Categories: all aviation Building a Biplane bicycle gadgets misc motorcycle theater