Categories: all aviation Building a Biplane bicycle gadgets misc motorcycle theater

Sat, 10 Nov 2007

Novel dreams

So, in my novel-writing adventure so far (up to 33,310 words as of just now), the world is breaking apart. I'll spare you the details in case you decide to read it at some point, but this novel is considerably more about the world falling apart than I'd really considered when I started out.

What was a cool premise has turned out to be a really cool premise, but also much more comprehensive and a lot more mental work than I'd been anticipating.

Last night, I noticed that I was having dreams about the falling-apart aspects of the story. Dreams where I was exploring the ramifications of everything that might stop working. They're pretty all-encompassing.

One other interesting thing I've noticed about this novel is that it's affecting my perception of reality. I find myself planning for this falling-apart event, or pondering with sadness an activity that I do and enjoy now, and won't be able to do once the novel comes true.

Of course, the novel is a work of fiction. It contemplates a reality that's so far out in left field that it's not even in the running for a possible future. It's set 5 years from now, and the falling-apart-ness of the whole thing is actually somewhat real, in the sense that everywhere you turn now, people are talking about how unsustainable our lifestyle is. I think that message is getting wrapped into the story, albeit in a very roundabout way. In the story, we're forced out of our terrible, wasteful habits, but not in a way anyone would want -- there will be a horrendous reduction in population before the story's over, whether it's through war, famine, or disease (or all of the above). The novel's turning out to be a bit more of a downer than I'd anticipated, too.

Anyway, I've typed an awful lot lately. Sorry for the lack of updates here, but at least I'm getting stuff done.

Posted at 23:55 permanent link category: /misc

Categories: all aviation Building a Biplane bicycle gadgets misc motorcycle theater