
Some impressions of the R850

While they were still fresh in my mind, I wanted to make some comparisons between the '96 R850 that I just returned, and my normal bike, the R65 LS.

(The background: I had my R65 in for electrical service at Cascade, and they loaned me this thing for Saturday evening through Tuesday afternoon. Also, see the picture collection.)

Things I didn't like about the R850:

Things I did like about the R850:

Overall, I think I wouldn't choose to buy an R850 in the future. The riding position was a major gripe for me, and would result in much less enjoyment while riding. While the increased power and quieter engine were nice, they wouldn't make up for how uncomfortable I'd be sitting on the thing. This is an entirely subjective opinion, and shouldn't be looked upon as an objective answer to whether you, the reader, should buy this model of motorcycle. If it had a similar seating position to my R65, I would probably have an entirely different opinion on the bike.

Created by Ian Johnston. Questions? Please mail me.

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