N4399C 1956 Champion 7EC: The Not-So-Good Stuff
This Champ is, after all, over 65 years old, and all is not
perfect with it. Here are the known problems:
- Voltage Regulator - the voltage regulator is the
original vibrating-relay type, and has shown signs of reaching the
end of its life. It should be replaced soon. The Zeftronics
G1250N is a drop-in replacement, but will require field approval.
- Empty CoG - the current empty center of gravity is
at 16.16". The acceptable range is 10" to 19". This makes it hard
to carry passengers of any substantial weight, while remaining within
the legal balance range of the plane.
- Oil Pump Loses Prime - apparently this is a common
problem with small Continental motors: the oil pump will, very
rarely, lose its prime after sitting for a long period of time
(multiple weeks). It's not difficult to re-prime the pump, but it's
annoying when you want to go flying. This is not a safety of
flight issue. It only happens after weeks of inactivity. The
fix is very expensive, so I've opted to live with it.
But that's it. There are no other problems with the plane.
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